We believe in learning. To us, it's one of the world's most powerful forces for change in the world.
Vishal Kapoor

Sarah Riaz

Deepti De Soyza

Duncan Roberts
Vishal Kapoor
Hometown: I grew up in a small town in western India, Ajmer, Rajasthan, but now Iowa City, Iowa
Education/Degree: Master of Business Administration from University of Iowa, Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Science from University of Rajasthan
Joined Pearson: July 5, 2005
Interests/Hobby: I am interested in sports, gardening, and photography. I also collect coins, fossils, and stamps. As a history buff, I like to visit all the State Capital and Parliament houses.
Superpower: During my school days, the cricket bat was my superpower. Now, I am known for leading innovation and high-performing teams at Assessment Technology Engineering group in School Assessment. My superpower is to look for opportunities in any situation.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
When I was 4 years old, my parents lived in a village with no electricity, running water, or schools. They moved me to my grandparents' house to start my learning journey. I am who I am today because of education and a lifetime of learning. I firmly believe in always learning and my school motto of “Let there be Light.”
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I always ask a lot of why, how, and what questions. I am always looking for an opportunity to improve or learn. We use a methodology called BrainTrust to brainstorm while solving any problem.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I have always been very curious and observant. I spend a lot of time with nature and observing animals and plant life. I always treat any good or bad experience as a learning opportunity. And with my employees, I always like to ask how they would solve a problem, which helps them to think.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
As a leader in the organization, it is important to gain the trust of people whether they are your managers or employees. We have to lead by example so that as leaders, people follow us. We have to walk the talk in order to gain their trust.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers and consumers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
We all have a job because our customers and consumers buy our education products. We try to look at any work or problem by wearing a customer’s hat. We always try to improve our products and services by getting direct feedback from our customers. I believe in my ex-CEO who used to say that a vocal customer who is willing to give feedback is the best customer.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
Since the education market is changing so fast, it is important to execute with speed and agility. If we do that, Pearson can not only be the leader in lifelong learning, but we can leave a lasting impact on people's lives. I believe in what Nelson Mandela said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Sarah Riaz
Hometown: Germany
Education/Degree: Licensed Professional Counselor
Joined Pearson: 2015
Interests/Hobby: Nature! Walking, cycling, and paddle boarding. I also enjoy a good self-help book and getting my teeth into learning something new. Current topic: Hegel's philosophy!
Superpower: The standard German superpower: efficiency!
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I have a lot of "why" questions in my life. My daughter is at an age where every other question starts with "why" and it can drive me up the wall at times because there are often no easy answers. And yet these questions are probably the most important questions to ask and seek answers to. Knowing our "why" is what gives us purpose and meaning in life.
I've discovered that the posture in which they are asked is crucial. Imagine how different the question "why do you think that?" can sound when it's asked with an irritated eye roll as opposed to a kind and genuine curiosity to learn more about where you are coming from. "Why" questions can seem confrontational and, as such, have the potential to result in defensiveness. So, I am learning to ask questions (especially "why" questions) and to challenge others from a place of unconditional positive regard for the person I'm asking. That way "why" questions become challenging in a positive way. They become an invitation to learn and grow together.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
Curiosity is what keeps life interesting! I have two young kids and I learn so much from them about being relentlessly curious—it's the most natural human state (if we don't kill it). Fostering my own curiosity means going on a learning adventure. Mine usually starts with a podcast about something I know nothing about, followed by books, articles, and crucial conversations. Deeper and deeper into a topic until that topic leads me straight to an adjacent one that becomes my next obsession.
Currently, I'm on a learning adventure about diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice and I have the privilege of taking colleagues with me on this journey. I've been holding a series of podcast-style learning sessions with DE&I experts from across Pearson for the legal function to learn more and we've had a fantastic time. Curiosity sparks have been flying!
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I like to surprise my clients. People have a certain person or personality in mind when they think of a lawyer and in many ways, I don't quite fit that image. In my early days at a London law firm, my boss once told me I was probably a "bit too nice" for a lawyer. That was probably because he hadn't had the opportunity to encounter my fierce side (which only comes out when necessary). But it stuck with me. I think what he considered a weakness is actually one of my great strengths. I love creating an atmosphere of bringing people together, finding solutions, being pragmatic, and getting things done. Forging such paths even in the terrain of difficult situations is where I leave my mark.
Deepti De Soyza
Hometown: I was born in Colombo, Sri Lanka but grew up in London, UK from about 3 years old.
Education/Degree: Biochemistry (BSc Hons), Imperial College, CISA (ISACA)
Joined Pearson: 2021
Interests/Hobby: Cooking, gardening, reading, spending time with friends and family. I also volunteer as a School Governor and help out with our local Scout group.
Superpower: Relationship building and getting things done. I also bake a brilliant brownie!
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Opportunity. I’ve been at Pearson for nine months now and particularly enjoy working with a wonderful diverse team and colleagues from all over the world. I love the fact that Pearson is always changing and growing, finding ways to move forward, and making learning available and accessible to everyone. I’ve always been encouraged to learn and develop and grow. As a child, my parents supported my education through school. Later through my career, I’ve most enjoyed the roles where I’ve been able to learn something new. For me, learning new things, be it academic learning or knowledge and skills to support a hobby, have often brought opportunities to grow personally, build my career or just have more fun.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
My role in internal audit provides plenty of opportunities to ask why things are done the way they are. I love finding out how our business works and helping identify ways to grow safely by ensuring we make the most of opportunities while managing risks appropriately.
I’ve learned that sometimes you need to ask “why?” more than once to really drill down and get to the bottom of a problem. It can feel uncomfortable because I know not everyone relishes being challenged on what they do or why they do it. I try to explain why I’m asking and to be positive and encouraging through the conversation, so we get to the best outcome.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
When I joined Pearson, it was immediately obvious that building trust is critical for our business. For me, building trust and demonstrating integrity is personally very important and I hope it shows up in the way I behave in all aspects of my life—from the way I am at work, with my family and friends, and in voluntary roles outside of work. Building trust is vital to my role since we’re often dealing with difficult or sensitive topics. Our audit reports are relied upon by management to help provide insight into what’s working well and where improvement might be needed. And providing an honest perspective on what’s not working can’t be done if there isn’t a foundation of trust. I try to maintain a balanced perspective and make sure everything we include in a report can be substantiated. This helps colleagues trust our team and our work.
Duncan Roberts
Hometown: Braintree, Essex, UK
Education/Degree: BA, Accounting & Management
Joined Pearson: 2015
Interests/Hobby: Music, football, family, and friends
Superpower: Diplomacy
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Encouragement. Learning is such a rewarding experience. It opens doors in life you never imagined possible. But without encouragement, learning can flounder and get stuck in the mud.
When I moved to Germany ten years ago from the UK, everything was difficult. From grocery shopping, to speaking to my in-laws. Nothing was without discomfort.
Through the encouragement of friends and loved ones, bit by bit, I’ve learned the language. It’s opened so many doors: to a new culture, to new friends, to new adventures! Encouragement can be the final piece of a jigsaw that breaks through that barrier and takes you to life’s next chapter.
Our Values
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I come from wonderful, working-class roots. When I was growing up, the idea that learning could tangibly change my life for the better never entered my head.
Then one day at school my teacher asked, “What if you went to university, Duncan?” And just like that, my life changed forever.
Curiosity and inquisitiveness have been excellent companions in my life ever since. Now, as a father, I try to remind my daughters how important it is to be curious. Being open to new ideas, who knows where life will take them.
Cordell Jung

Letitia Rowan
Didier Fort

Monica Coto

Cordell Jung
Hometown: Aberdeen, South Dakota
Education/Degree: Juris Doctor degree
Joined Pearson: 2005
Interests/Hobby: Reading, biking, football, basketball, VR, and politics/economics
Superpower: Handling crisis, negotiations, and honesty
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Opportunity. The more you learn, the more you understand which allows doors and opportunities to open to the learner whether we initially realize it or not.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I think it’s important to first build a culture around psychological safety, so everyone understands that it won’t be to your determent or reflect poorly on you for disagreeing or sharing ideas, questions, or concerns about what is being proposed. Promoting and asking questions to illicit the organizations to find the weaknesses in the strategy so they can either be addressed or modified is highly supported. Agreeing with the highest-ranking person in the room doesn’t gain favor, rather robust discussion is encouraged and rewarded. We can only challenge the status quo when we ensure multiple perspectives have a seat at the table.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
Trying to ask out of the box questions and purposefully asking people to raise ideas that might not be fully thought out.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust and honesty are everything. It is impossible to solve complex problems without having a trusting environment where difficult discussions can take place. Our customers’ trust is vital to having long-term relationships that can build and grow. The team needs to know they have your support and value their honesty over politicking.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
Making sure the goal setting exercise allows for goals that are not always achievable. Comparing the work to the best practices and evaluating whether you lead the industry in our respective roles.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
The ability to find the logical gaps and challenge the assumption for a more comprehensive solution sometimes makes the environment uncomfortable, but often ends in a much better solution.
Letitia Rowan
Hometown: East London, UK
Education/Degree: Bachelor's Degree
Joined Pearson: 2002
Interests/Hobby: I enjoy listening to various types of music, watching documentaries, learning about history, traveling, cooking, and watching boxing!
Superpower: Juggling multiple activities and I always love a challenge!
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Confidence and opportunity. When I joined Pearson many years ago, I had no qualifications, very little experience, and no idea what I could achieve. It was simply a job that paid the bills. In the 20 years I have been here, I have learned new skills through applied learning, met wonderful people from many different walks of life, achieved qualifications from Level 2-6, and undertaken roles and activities that have led to further opportunities. I have confidence in myself and what I can achieve, I am not afraid to take on the unknown, and I’m excited about it.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I work in the Schools and Qualifications division. I am responsible for ensuring Pearson adheres to regulatory requirements when we approve new centers to deliver our qualifications, and when we release certificates for our Vocational qualifications. When making a decision on whether a center meets Pearson’s criteria, I always think about why we have these requirements in place, what value does it bring to the customer, our learners, and Pearson. I encourage my team to do the same and to openly discuss and encourage other ways of working so that nine times out of ten, we can say yes. Let's face it, this is what our customers want to hear!
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I actively engage with new initiatives, share information with colleagues, and try to get my team involved as much as I can. If we are all on board, we have more chances of achieving, learning, and making change work for ourselves, our customers, and Pearson. When introducing new areas for the team to be involved with, I will explain the benefits, the possibilities, and how much value these could add to us. Both as a team and as individuals.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
I wouldn’t engage with a company that I didn’t or couldn’t trust, so I certainly wouldn’t ask this of my colleagues or customers. Our learners, parents, and centers trust us to equip them with the tools they need to succeed in life. Trust is so hard to earn but very easy to lose. It should be valued and treasured.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers and consumers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I put myself in our customers' shoes, both internal and external, listen to what is being asked of me and my team, evaluate risks, and try my hardest to exceed expectations. It’s so important to gain feedback and reflect so that we can continuously improve. If we’re not moving forward, we’re moving back.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I watch the landscape, adapt, and understand that transformation means making a move at the right time. Timing is everything!
Didier Fort
Hometown: Denver, Colorado
Education/Degree: MSc Computer Science
Joined Pearson: 2009
Interests/Hobby: Skiing, hiking, and traveling
Superpower: Problem solver
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Freedom. Learning gives you the freedom to choose your own future.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
Never think that good enough is what our users expect from us. Strive to improve our users' experience every day.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
In my opinion, the best way to spark curiosity is by asking new questions.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust allows you to push the envelope.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
First, I own my mistakes, which gives me an opportunity to fix them.
Monica Coto
Hometown: Costa Rica
Education/Degree: Master’s Degree in Education
Joined Pearson: 2004
Interests/Hobby: Learning languages, reading, and camping
Superpower: Listening to people and being empathetic (although as a mom, I have the "magic fear" in my eyes!).
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Laughter. Laughter in life is like the summer sun. It fills us with energy, excites us, and allows us to be conscious of our being. The most memorable moments of our life are marked by it. It is simple to share and enriches us all.
Our Values
We deliver quality. We hold our customers and consumers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
As the leader of a team of coaches at the constant service of our users, we have set ourselves the goal of always delivering 100% and more. We understand that our standards must always be modified in search of a bigger and better goal. We ask for constant feedback, we support each other, and we constantly ask our clients what more we can do for them. We don't just serve, we want to be the best at serving, delivering solutions, supporting teachers and students, and unlearning in order to constantly reinvent ourselves. Our goals and standards are very high and of permanent challenge, because only in this way we achieve the constant change that keeps us at the forefront.
Tony Huynh

Ticiana Neder

Ayo Mateola

Lakshmi Balakrishnan

Tony Huynh
Hometown: Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Education/Degree: MBA with Distinction
Joined Pearson: 2013
Interests/Hobby: Yoga and the gym
Superpower: Winning people’s hearts
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Change. Life is all about changing and we need to keep improving ourselves everyday by learning new things. "Set your goals high and don't stop till you get there," as the saying has it. I am an achievement-driven guy who believes in the journey of defining my own boundaries. I am seeking non-stop, life-enriching experiences and learning. Whether it be from school, work, or people I interact with, which shape up the “current me” and the “ideal me” to come.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
We set our goals higher every time we achieve them. Then, we will discover our own boundaries and beat them to go much farther.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
As Richard Branson says, "If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes—then learn how to do it later!" I am curious about things that I have not known and love uncovering the hidden, going beyond my comfort zone, and becoming a master in the field.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
My intuitive sense of right and wrong is based on how I trust people around me. When we trust, we can succeed and go to the end of the road together.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I am constantly upgrading myself by learning new things from colleagues, bosses, and leaders around the region and across many other industries. "Highest standard" is not only the best quality of products that we are providing, but also about ourselves by fulfilling and delivering promises, values, and commitments.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I put myself in the shoes of the people I serve. What I expect also meets their expectations. I serve them just like my own.
Ticiana Neder
Hometown: Buenos Aires
Education/Degree: University
Joined Pearson: 2008
Interests/Hobby: I love cooking. I'm a huge fan of plants (my house looks like a jungle), and I love journaling and scrapbooking.
Superpower: Listening, helping others solve problems, always looking on the bright side, the best "gift buyer" ever.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Change. The only constant in life is change. So, to me "adding life" means "adding change." A lifetime of learning is a long path. Our needs and interests change as we grow older and being able as a company to "add life" to it means that we are aware of that constant transformation, and we can adapt and transform alongside our customers. Movement, change, transformation, flexibility... are key concepts for constant personal improvement and I believe Pearson represents that.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I challenge myself and others under the premise that we can always do and be better than the day before. I keep asking myself: What would you do differently if you had a time machine? And whenever something does not go as expected, instead of blaming someone else I try to remember that there's always something I could have done differently. It's not blaming myself but knowing that we can all be better every day and to me, that's the biggest challenge.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I believe curiosity comes along with listening carefully. When we really care, and we are truly committed to finding a solution or helping someone solve a problem, curiosity naturally appears.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
To me, trust is essential in every aspect of our lives. It is the backbone of every relationship we build and that's why it needs to be earned and should be taken care of with great responsibility.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers and consumers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
It's important to set your standards but never forget to pay attention to what your team and customers have to say. Sometimes our own standards may be too high or too low... so it's important to see what's out there and ask for constant feedback to double-check if the standards we are setting are correct.
Ayo Mateola
Hometown: London, England
Education/Degree: BSc. Biology/M. Ed—Educational Leadership/Data Analytics and Visualization
Joined Pearson: 2021
Interests/Hobby: Music—Love to sing, dance, and write lyrics. Watching movies, teaching, mentoring, and coaching. Solving puzzles, reading, learning about different cultures, traveling, and exploring. Sports—track and field, gymnastics, and tennis.
Superpower: Coaching/mentoring, organization/task executer, and resilience.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Balance. Life means living a balanced life. Pearson allows you to bring a balanced life to a lifetime of learning. I typically would work overtime without looking at the time, especially when I am trying to solve a problem. And the rest of my life can be so unbalanced that other things, that are also important in my personal life, suffer because of neglect. Pearson encourages you to take that time and balance your life so you can be happier and not have a mental breakdown. I find that I am even more productive with a balanced life added to a lifetime of learning. I am always learning. I am always a student first. I am always curious.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I challenge myself both in my day-to-day personal life and in my professional life by asking how I can do better today than yesterday and to do it by being an example to others. Learning and improving for me never stops.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I start by asking questions like, “What if…” or, “How can we…” or, “Imagine…” I want to find possibilities to the unknown. Just because something has never been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done. This, and an open mindset to grow, is what allows me to be creative and innovative. Also, surround yourself with a good network of people with different skills, cultures, and backgrounds. There is a plethora of rich knowledge to be learned. Reading and listening to audiobooks help with fueling curiosity, learning, personal improvement, solutioning, and adding value to others.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
For me, authenticity and genuineness are important when it comes to trust. Having a trusting ecosystem as a company allows employees to participate in a culture of honesty, safety, mutual respect, and highly effective productivity. It is then easy for customers to earn our trust because we provide services from that DNA of trust.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I must set a lot of SMART goals—daily goals, short-term goals, and long-term goals, and I think it is equally important to have someone you can trust and be accountable to and have a mentor/coach with a mindset of delivering 100% quality work. It is important to focus, be passionate about your work, research, use best practice approaches where necessary, ask questions, and be sure your work is quality. I think one of the key takeaways for me here is not being afraid to make mistakes or to fail at something. I used to struggle with that a lot. We learn from our mistakes, course-correct, and move on.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I make my mark by staying curious! Live life with a purpose, be authentic, kind, and help others to succeed along the way.
Lakshmi Balakrishnan
Hometown: New Delhi
Education/Degree: PG in Arts and Cultural Management, The University of Melbourne; User Experience Design, General Assembly; Essentials of Product Management, Brainmates; Bachelor of Arts in Journalism, Delhi University
Joined Pearson: September 2021
Interests/Hobby: Camping, backyard beekeeping, film festivals, and more recently, learning to do a shipping container conversion!
Superpower: Change and adaptability
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Empowerment. Learning makes me feel empowered. I think when we create a space to share knowledge to lift others, we provide a growing space for all and truly add a lifetime of opportunities.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I challenge myself by reminding myself that I may not always have all the answers, but if I don’t ask what if, why, and why not, I most likely will never find it.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
By continuously listening and learning. And being around people with diverse interests and experiences that help me see things from new perspectives.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
For me, being trusted means being empowered to perform at the highest level.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
By consistently working on my knowledge and challenging myself.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
By staying true to my purpose of empowerment and taking people along on the journey.
Sabrina Benton

Tarek Elghandour

Caroline Phipps

Peter Marshall

Sabrina Benton
Hometown: Mountain View, California/Howell, New Jersey
Education/Degree: BA History & Secondary Education
Joined Pearson: 2019
Interests/Hobby: Hiking adventures with the grand puppies, attending live music events, crocheting, spending time with family.
Superpower: Talking
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Balance. Adding balance to my life adds value to everything I do. Balance comes from taking time off when I need to concentrate on life, but also compartmentalizing life events to concentrate on work. That balance of knowing when to turn off life or work is a delicate line to walk sometimes. For me, that may be stepping outside for a walk/hike, dedicating time to crochet a gift for someone, snuggling with the dogs while binging TV/movies, or going to the office to eliminate distractions while working. Adding that balance allows me to focus on learning new work skills, or to simply find the right direction for answering questions. Balance reminds me that life is important, work can be enjoyable, and when both are allowed their own space, I can function at a higher level.
Our Values
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust is essential to any relationship within a team or between teams. With trust we can work together to make Pearson the best it can be and provide our learners with the best of us. Building trust comes from listening to each other, finding the “why,” asking hard questions, having difficult conversations, conceding when we are wrong, and sometimes it comes from saying no. Integrity is essential in providing accurate data to make informed decisions. When you have trust between team members, saying no, or asking why is not confrontational but an exercise in respect.
Tarek Elghandour
Hometown: Egypt
Education/Degree: Bsc. in Communication Engineering
Joined Pearson: 2015
Interests/Hobby: Movies, fishing, football, and PlayStation
Superpower: Grit
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Possibilities and passion. Learning is not the same for all and the aspirations of everyone are different. That’s why the way we learn is different, so possibilities are endless. Doing anything with passion will ensure you not only complete a journey but also enjoy every second of it regardless of the challenges you face. You care about doing the learning, rather than what you get at the end.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
Asking why and what else. Trying to dig deep to find the genuine root and cause behind decisions and choices. Open-ended questions are also a nice way to let others express themselves which allows you to challenge yourself.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
It is that exact moment when I pause in a discussion, or a deep wondering and ask, “What if?” This is my door opener to an out-of-the-box answer. Sometimes when facing any challenge, I tend to jump into solutions quickly and this shuts my eyes to the many possibilities out there. When I pause and ask, “what if,” the facts start to reveal themselves and the mind starts to consider and realize other options. One question leads to another and every answer I get makes me say wow.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust is the highest level of human relationships. I love to trust people. This makes me deal naturally without thinking of complications. I am the real me when I am with the people I trust. Similarly, those who trust me can express themselves freely and be open.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
Always ask for feedback. There is always room for improvement. I remind myself why I do what I do every day. We are lucky that we work for noble reasons and touch almost every human life and make an impact on the future.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
By making sure the intended results are met. Whether a learner is using a Pearson platform or a dean of a college needs help with developing a data decision-making system, I jump in to make sure the results are met.
Caroline Phipps
Hometown: Abingdon, UK
Education/Degree: Degree in English Literature
Joined Pearson: 2007 the first time, and then 2017 the second time around.
Interests/Hobby: All things craft-related, vintage fashion, and anything involving being on or in the river!
Superpower: Creative problem-solving, also known as, resourcefulness!
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Open-minded. Staying open-minded means actively embracing the possibility of new ideas and experiences outside of our comfort zones. It’s only by doing this that we can continue to develop and grow as individuals and to make our greatest contributions to the world. Pearson does this, not just through providing resources to facilitate learning, but by being brave enough to innovate and lead the way for change.
Our Values
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I spark curiosity by always asking questions to delve deeper and to explore all possible avenues rather than just accepting the status quo. I like to challenge real and perceived barriers to trying new approaches and to encourage creative problem-solving to help projects achieve their full potential. One example of this was thinking about how we could add new courses to our virtual schools offering with minimal upfront investment. By pushing the boundaries of how we reuse our existing content and by employing innovative new technologies such as artificial intelligence, we're now able to launch an A level Psychology course this September with a vast reduction in production costs and schedules.
Peter Marshall
Hometown: Birch Bay, WA
Education/Degree: BS in Business Administration. Currently working on my Master’s in Business: Management and Leadership. Will graduate June 2022.
Joined Pearson: I worked for Lumerit for 8 years and then we were acquired by Pearson in 2020. So, two years with Pearson, 10 years with the department.
Interests/Hobby: I love music and play several instruments. I have played in bands that have recorded and toured. So, put me around music and I am happy. I also love being outside hiking and camping. I also love to read!
Superpower: You should probably ask my team this question... I will go with handling conflict, and I love getting my hands dirty and working through problems.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Freedom. With knowledge that is gained from learning, it allows a myriad of doors of options to open. We have freedom to choose direction for our lives. We have freedom to grow as a positive member of this amazing world. We have freedom to hope and believe in a future filled with opportunity. Knowledge is freedom.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I challenge myself by saying to others when I don't necessarily agree, "You might be right," and believing that statement. The moment I look in a mirror and think I am always right, that is the day I stop growing. I challenge my team to have the same attitude and to continue to grow in this way. When I say to another person that I disagree with, "You might be right," the other person feels like they are being heard and understood. Then they are more likely to listen and understand what I have to say, and this fosters positive communication.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
Much of my curiosity is sparked in my reading. I love reading books outside of my culture and knowledge so I can learn and research what I am reading about. I spark my curiosity with my team by asking powerful questions and engaging in spirited discussions. The other day I asked the question, “What would you make if Andy Bird announced he was coming to dinner at your house?” Turns out, Andy will be well fed.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
This one is going to be a bit cliched...without trust, there is nothing to build on in the relationship. Trust is the foundation of any relationship. We cannot help the learner be successful if they do not trust us. This is why it is important for my team to continue to build trust by focusing on designing with intent. We design products and services that benefit our learners because we have listened to them, and we understand their journey. When a learner has brought an issue to our attention and they see it fixed, this builds trust, and that trust helps us serve the learner better. Designing with intent also grows trust with my team. When they see the issues being fixed, they know they can trust I hear them and care about them. For my team, I hope to build trust by reflecting on the very values I ask them to uphold. This allows us to grow together and to work better as a team.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I hold myself to the highest standard by making sure to be an open book. I ask my team and peers how I can improve, and I take these improvements to heart. I don't want to be "good enough," and I strive to move my ability and knowledge from good to great. And when I really want to know the truth about how I am doing, I ask my wife and kids...and my sister. They always tell me the truth without sugarcoating.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I leave my mark by caring for others and making it a point to understand where they come from. I want to make my mark by leading with empathy, acting with integrity, and having fun doing it!
John Douglas

Dina O’Brien

Neil Callen
Vicki Gardner

John Douglas
Hometown: Southern Missouri
Education/Degree: Bachelor’s Degree in Organizational Studies, SHRM-CP (Society of Human Resources Certified Professional)
Joined Pearson: 2017
Interests/Hobby: Cooking, food, gardening, music, mysteries, reading, TV, beagles
Superpower: Love to bridge the gaps between people, information, and technology to improve lives.
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Discovery. Learning brings mind-opening experiences. When we start to understand “why”, all sorts of things fall into place. Why this piece of tech works in this application, why this piece of history is important and applicable, why parts of some people’s lives help define them. Education opens our eyes to opportunities that were there all along just waiting for us to discover.
Our Values
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust provides the foundation for all of our relationships. Every encounter with another individual, organization, or company is an opportunity to build trust and strengthen relationships. When our subject matter experts participate in exam-building events, it’s an opportunity to build trust by learning from them and teaching them our commitment to excellence through our processes and procedures. When we work with a company to build a new exam, there’s another opportunity to show that we listen and react to clients’ needs. And every creative solution shows every team member that when we work together, we solve problems and continuously rise above. Every interaction shows that we build validity, reliability, and integrity which leads to trust.
Dina O’Brien
Hometown: Punta Gorda, FL
Education/Degree: Master’s in Education
Joined Pearson: 2021
Interests/Hobby: Singing, photography, and writing
Superpower: Punctuality
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Responsibility. It is important to accept responsibility for your own learning. Always stay on top of updates and policies. I also add daily reflection into that.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
I challenge myself and others to step out of their comfort zone. It is okay to take that risk if it is improving the experiences of the candidates.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
I am one who likes to get involved. I try to share what I am doing and encourage others through my journey. I share through my monthly newsletter and emails.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust is important to me because you should always be doing the right thing no matter who is watching. I trust my TA's are doing the same thing regardless of if I am there or not.
We deliver quality. We hold our customers and consumers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I always put myself in other’s shoes. I always think how I would feel if I heard those words or received those actions.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
I invested in buttons with positive sayings to display on lockers for candidates. I also post inspiring words we receive for TA's to remind us that we are doing great things.
Neil Callen
Hometown: Whitstable, Kent, UK
Education/Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Geology & History
Joined Pearson: 1997
Interests/Hobby: Gardening, film festivals, cycling (watching and doing), swimming, jogging, and long train journeys
Superpower: Listening
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Enjoyment. I learn best when I enjoy what I'm being taught, what I'm researching, or what I'm experiencing. If I enjoy the learning experience, it has a positive effect on my motivation levels and influences how much I retain, meaning I stay curious and keep coming back for more.
Our Values
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
It's all about trust. Nothing is more important than trust. I've built my career on trust and I expect it from the people I work with and the company I work for. As John Amaechi says, “Trust begets trust.” We live in an age where we buy products and services from companies and people we'll never meet in person, so trust is the thing that holds it all together.
Vicki Gardner
Hometown: Sunderland
Education/Degree: MBA in Business Management, BEng in Electronic Engineering degree
Joined Pearson: 2015
Interests/Hobby: Allotment gardening and walking
Superpower: Staying calm under pressure
Our Purpose
Our purpose is to add life to a lifetime of learning. And adding life can mean many different things.
What's a word that describes adding life for you?
Perspective. Those eye-opening, penny-dropping, and mind-blowing moments that come from discovering and then understanding a viewpoint from someone new to you. I love those learning points that bring you different perspectives.
Our Values
We ask why. We challenge the status quo by challenging ourselves.
How do you challenge yourself and others?
Just because you've always done it one way doesn't mean it's the only way. It's easy to hang on to ideas or processes that you invested time and effort in, it takes application and guts to stop investing any more. There's always an opportunity to improve.
We ask what if. We spark curiosity to innovate new possibilities for everyone.
How do you spark curiosity?
As I get older, I've learned that those that are starting out in their own careers have completely different viewpoints to me, and I am eager to hear their views. Since joining Pearson, I've learned about and come to value diverse thoughts even more, and now understand why it's so important for business success. Don't assume you know it all. Ask people different to you what they think, read their books, listen to a new podcast, read a different newspaper, and be curious.
We earn trust. We build credibility by acting with integrity every day.
Why is trust important to you?
Trust is the number one value in my house. Always tell the truth, no matter what, and if there's a problem, no matter what it is, I'm here for you to help resolve it. The same applies to me at work. You can count on me to be transparent and keep my promises. And in return, you have 100% of my trust, which comes for free (but is delicate, so don't be reckless!)
We deliver quality. We hold our customers in the highest regard, and our work to the highest standards.
How do you hold yourself to the highest standard?
I reflect all the time. It's a by-product of my extreme introversion! I try hard not to be too critical of myself. But if I have done (or not done) something that, on reflection, wasn't great, I am not afraid of owning it and putting it right. A good night's sleep normally works wonders as a way to review your actions against your standards in a new day.
We make our mark. We execute with speed and agility to leave a lasting impact on everyone we serve.
How do you make your mark?
Staying in your comfort zone is an unlikely place to find yourself making your mark. Say yes to the things that scare you and find yourself shining.