Managing your shareholding

All you need to know about your Pearson plc shares and how to manage them.

Access your shareholding online
Sign up to the Computershare Investor Centre a free, secure self-service website offering a fast and simple way to manage your shareholding.

Key features
The service is operated by our Registrar, Computershare Investor Services PLC and offers the following features:

  • View your current Pearson share balance and the market value;
  • View share balances and market values for all your Computershare managed holdings; 
  • Update your home address across your entire portfolio;
  • Update your bank account details to receive dividend payments;
  • View your transaction and payment history;
  • Elect to receive important shareholder communications by email; and
  • Download useful forms.

Go online
If you are already a member on the Computershare Investor Centre,

  • Log on to You will need your unique user ID and password which you created during registration.

or if not already registered,

To register you will be required to enter your Shareholder Reference Number (C1234567890), your Postcode or Country if outside of the UK or Channel Islands, the company name, Pearson and the security code (provided on screen). For security purposes, Computershare may send a unique activation code to your registered address. If an activation code is required, you will need to use this code to activate your account.

Updating my information

How do I update my address?
How do I tell the company about my change of name?
A shareholder has passed away – what should i do?

General queries

I’m not sure how many shares I hold. How can I find out?
Where can I find my shareholder reference?
My share certificate has been lost/stolen. What should I do?
Does Pearson offer a share dealing service?
I’ve had an unexpected phone call offering investment advice regarding Pearson shares. What should I do?

Electronic communications

Sign up to E-Comms
I know Pearson uses electronic communications, but what does this mean?
How do electronic communications work?
How secure are electronic methods of communication?
Can I still get printed documentation?


How do I calculate the value of my latest dividend?
When will I receive my dividend?
How are dividends paid?
Can I receive a dividend in my local currency if I live outside the UK?
What is the Dividend Reinvestment Plan?
How do I sign up to the DRIP?

Contact details and other useful information

How do I contact Computershare?