
Creating a more sustainable world through our products

We build vibrant and enriching learning experiences for everyone. We’re widening access to learning for more people and ensuring our products have measurable outcomes.

Our products and services reach millions and millions of people around the world.

Our Ambition

We use learning science to design high-quality and evidence-based products that have real-life impact throughout a lifetime of learning.

We constantly innovate to enhance education, finding ways technology like AI can have a positive impact on teaching and learning.

We equip learners with the knowledge and skills to contribute towards a more just and inclusive world.

We incorporate accessibility into everything we do, from our culture and training to how we design and deliver our products.

We are committed to content that is grounded in fact, inclusive and free from discrimination, and is ethical and adheres to legal requirements. Our Global Content Policy sits at the heart of how we act on that commitment.

Our Impact through Key Products

Read about the real-life impact our products and services have on individuals and workforces.