We’re structured to create long-term value for all our stakeholders
A strong understanding of our stakeholders and their views is integral to Pearson’s strategic planning and operational delivery, and the Board’s strategy sessions are informed by the views and needs of, amongst others, our eight key stakeholder groups:
While all key stakeholders are integral to the Board’s deliberations, the Directors recognise that learners’ interests are particularly important, and that a key factor of any decision made is listening to the interests of the various stakeholders, taking these into account and trying to align or mitigate any opposing views, all whilst with the learners’ best interests in mind. This has led to a deepening of relationships for Pearson that we believe will have an enduring, positive impact on our business.
As required by the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Board ensures Pearson engages effectively with, and encourages participation from, its key stakeholders. The Board maintains its oversight through a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms, and the Reputation & Responsibility Committee monitors our stakeholder engagement framework.