Understanding our stakeholders

We’re structured to create long-term value for all our stakeholders

A strong understanding of our stakeholders and their views is integral to Pearson’s strategic planning and operational delivery, and the Board’s strategy sessions are informed by the views and needs of, amongst others, our eight key stakeholder groups:


Our products and services are designed for real-life impact. Consumer engagement helps us to understand their needs and evolve our products to create that impact.


Pearson’s people are its greatest asset. Our success as a business and our ability to make a positive impact are highly dependent upon our colleagues.


We work closely with employers so people can learn as they earn, and employers get the best out of their teams.

Educational institutions and educators

Educators are a cornerstone of our business and our partners in content creation. Their feedback helps us improve the teaching and learning experience.

Governments and regulators
Governments and regulators

As the world’s lifelong learning company, we use our experience and expertise on issues related to all facets of education, to inform political and educational leaders.


We aim to provide long-term shareholder value creation.

Business partners
Business partners

Our suppliers, channel partners, venture partners, and authors play a vital role in helping us execute our business and product strategies, bringing specialised services and expertise to accelerate our work.


We strive to make a positive and meaningful impact in the communities in which we operate. Learning opportunities and outcomes are closely linked to the prosperity of local communities and inclusive global development. Our global communities are interested in widening access to education through innovation, and the steps we are taking to have a positive impact on society and the environment.

While all key stakeholders are integral to the Board’s deliberations, the Directors recognise that learners’ interests are particularly important, and that a key factor of any decision made is listening to the interests of the various stakeholders, taking these into account and trying to align or mitigate any opposing views, all whilst with the learners’ best interests in mind. This has led to a deepening of relationships for Pearson that we believe will have an enduring, positive impact on our business.

As required by the UK Corporate Governance Code, the Board ensures Pearson engages effectively with, and encourages participation from, its key stakeholders. The Board maintains its oversight through a variety of direct and indirect mechanisms, and the Reputation & Responsibility Committee monitors our stakeholder engagement framework.

More on Pearson’s key stakeholders, their areas of concern and our response is available in our latest Strategic Report
For more on how our Directors discharge their duties under S172 of the Companies Act 2006 see our latest Annual Report or go to our Corporate Governance Framework
How the Board engages with stakeholders is available in our latest Governance Report