2020 Social bond framework

This Framework was developed as part of our ongoing sustainability strategy. Find out how we’re using the proceeds from Educational Bonds to shape the future of learning.

See the framework

We developed our Social Bond Framework in alignment with ICMA social bond principles 2018

The use of proceeds are intended to contribute to two main social objectives, namely:

  • Access to education and socioeconomic development
  • Target population

The eligible projects target underserved learners and communities, including people living below the poverty line, those with disabilities and the unemployed.


Our framework

We put our Social Bond Framework in place to set out how we use proceeds from Educational Bonds. It’s all about helping the United Nations meet their 4th Sustainable Development Goal – to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”

While there are many projects and ideas we’d happily support, we’ve focused on a handful of initiatives. These include our full-time virtual schools programme Connections Academy, the GED testing programme which offers accelerated learning pathways for over 16s, and BTEC, which offers free to the user high-quality vocational education both in the UK and internationally.

See the Framework

Annual reporting

We commit to reporting annually on the allocation and impact of the use of proceeds. Please click on the link below to see our Education Bond reporting.

See our FY2020 education bond reporting

See our FY2021 education bond reporting

Framework Assurance & second party opinion

Pearson has obtained a second-party opinion from vigeo eiris, who have given Pearson their highest level of assurance.

Read the report

Reporting Assurance

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) have been engaged to provide independent limited assurance over the allocation of the use of proceeds from the Education Bond.

FY2020 Pearson Limited Assurance Report

FY2021 Pearson Limited Assurance Report