Investor relation contacts

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Get in touch

For more information, please get in touch using the form below. We’d be happy to hear from you and will respond as soon as possible. Please note – the press team can only answer enquiries from accredited members of the press.

Corporate & financial media contacts

For media enquiries about Pearson plc's corporate or financial information, please contact [email protected]

Tom Steiner
VP – Corporate and Financial Communications

Gemma Terry
Director – Corporate and Financial Communications

Business contacts

UK Education Media Contacts

For media enquiries about Pearson’s UK operating company (including Edexcel, BTEC and UK education policy) as well as other international media enquiries (excluding the US) please contact [email protected] 

Josephine Bradley
VP - Corporate and Government Affairs, UK and Global Online Learning

Hannah Hawkins
Senior UK Media Manager

Duncan Roberts
Director - UK and International (interim)

US Media Contacts

For media enquiries about Pearson’s US operating company, please contact [email protected]

Laura Howe
VP- North America and Global Innovation Communications

Scott Overland
Director - US media relations

Joe Wiggins
Manager - US media relations